
Energy Transition is a necessary and unstoppable trend

"It is still possible to keep global temperature from rising more than 1.5º Celsius"

UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2019

Advancing climate resilience

Smart Energy Lab's Commitment to Energy Transition

Global temperatures have been consistently rising and the 10 warmest years in record have all occurred during the last decade (2014-2023).1 Natural disasters are becoming more frequent and severe, posing significant threats to ecosystems, biodiversity, and numerous species, including humans. It has become clear that climate change calls for urgent action. Smart Energy Lab is committed to Energy Transition as a critical pathway to mitigate these impacts and enhance climate resilience by providing reliable power based on renewable energy. We believe that it is still possible to limit global temperature rise to below 1.5°C2. This key goal of the Paris Agreement reflects a global consensus and an ethical imperative to protect future generations.

1 – US National oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2024
2 – UN IPCC, 2018

Aerial view of a wind Turbine in a rural scene at sunset time in the south of Portugal

Empowering renewable energy adoption

Smart Energy Strategy for Maximizing End-User Engagement and Efficiency

The European Commission and national governments are increasingly setting ambitious goals, particularly aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and cutting energy costs. While there is a strong push for investment in decarbonization, renewable energy capacity, grid enhancement, and the decentralization of renewable energy sources, these measures alone are insufficient to fully maximize the utilization of renewables.

Innovative solutions

Our strategy focuses on accelerating the business growth of market operators

Smart Energy Lab designs innovative technological solutions and services that maximize and enhance end-users consumption of renewable electricity through electrification and energy management.


Promoting the electrification of transportation, heating and cooling systems, buildings, and industrial processes, thus contributing to the energy transition.

Energy Management Systems (EMS)

Developing Energy Management Systems (EMS) that optimize energy consumption flexibility, by adjusting consumption during periods of low demand or when energy generation exceeds immediate needs.
Solar panels green energy Business people working in green eco friendly office business meeting
secured funding
of 20M

Proven track record

With a proven track record of two successful products in the market, over 40 completed projects, and secured funding of €20 million, along with an additional €7.5 million allocated for academia and industry, SEL demonstrates its steadfast commitment to making a significant impact in transforming the New Downstream Energy Sector towards the Energy Transition.
